the exodus of artists – Svetà MARLIER

10 000 

Technique:Acrylic, black stone and teddy bear on canvas
Dimension: 59 x 86,6 inch

Artist expresses the universal and timeless exodus of humanity. It doesn’t belong to any country, it is not reserved to any category of population, a colour of people, but it must touch us from wherever it comes from.

As in all the personified figurative paintings of Svetà the message is at the same time ultra-personalized with the presence of known characters, often artists like Nivèse Oscari, only female artist of the School of Nice, and her husband Frédéric Altmann, photographer and critic of the School of Nice, and so many other artists for whom Svetà has so much admiration.
She is also Svetà’s own daughter in front of her abandoned teddy bear…
But the work of Svetà Marlier is never pessimistic, it injects in permanent filigree message of hope, that of a people on the move, who is extricated from the darkness, the greyness, the despondency, which is committed to light and hope. with children in the front line of course.
Text of Peter Kirchem



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Svetà Marlier


signée par l’artiste avec un certificat d’authenticité